
Monthly Archives: October 2021

Kick Off Your Gratitude Campaign

This holiday season is the best time to show friends and family how much you love them, and I’m here to help you with your own gratitude campaign!

From writing short yet heartfelt letters to simply reconnecting with special people in your life, the range of ways to show gratitude are countless. No matter how big or small the gift, an act of thankfulness can change someone’s life.

Here are a few things you can do to show your loved ones how much you appreciate them:

For more information or assistance in buying, selling, or investing in real estate, please call me, Dennis Smith at 760-212-8225. I’ll be glad to take care of your real estate concerns in a way that’s healthy and safe.

Is It Time for a Digital Detox?

For a lot of people, the pandemic meant spending more hours in front of a screen, whether its for leisure or work. While using our digital devices can provide countless advantages, being away from them can also be beneficial.

From meditating on the front porch of your Carlsbad CA home to going for a quick run, there are many things you can do instead of scrolling.

Here’s a short guide you can follow in planning that much-needed reset through digital detox:

Please call Dennis Smith at 760-212-8225 for more information or assistance in buying, selling, or investing in real estate.

Navigating a Busy Mind

Shifting your mindset also shifts your life. When you choose to entertain thoughts that build you up instead of those that tear you down, you instantly forge a positive path for yourself.

Whether buying or selling a Carlsbad CA home, it’s important to embrace a positive mindset. Other people sense whether or not you’re confident with what you’re saying. That confidence is part of what persuades a buyer to purchase the house or a seller to accept your offer.

Here are simple tricks to transform the way you think:

Please call Dennis Smith at 760-212-8225 for more information or assistance in buying, selling, or investing in real estate.